For 25 years, MC has advocated for education throughout Frederick County schools.
She was a vocal proponent for much needed improvements and renovations to many of our older school buildings. She has fought tirelessly for new schools and additions to help alleviate overcrowding conditions at many other school facilities throughout the county. M.C. spearheaded the efforts to replace the dilapidated and dangerous playground at Waverley Elementary School; she championed the campaign to renovate West Frederick Middle School and she began the years long community effort to rebuild Frederick High School. She also worked with the communities of Lincoln Elementary School and Hillcrest Elementary School to help them find their voices to advocate for their school and community needs, leading to a newly rebuilt Lincoln ES, a new Butterfly Ridge ES and now a brand new and much larger Waverley Elementary School. M.C. has even gone to Washington, D.C. to speak on Capitol Hill in support of efforts to continue to improve public education and public schools. And she continues to work with her colleagues at MACO (the Maryland Association of Counties) for more state money for improvements to our school facilities, our educational programs and the opportunities we are providing to our students through both FCPS and FCC.
Planning & Growth
MC has been a visible presence in the community for many years.
MC Keegan-Ayer is a visible presence in the community.
She began her advocacy efforts while her children, who are now grown, were still babies. After more than 20 years of advocating on behalf of schools and neighborhoods, MC is well-versed in the development issues facing our community.
She knows the importance of growth for a vibrant Frederick County economy. MC also recognizes that uncontrolled, poorly planned growth costs all residents time and money. Increased taxes are necessary for infrastructure improvements to address the increasing population, and the time wasted as people sit in traffic on congested roadways is frustrating––we can all relate in the DMV area and beyond.
MC Keegan-Ayer knows careful planning is how we maintain a well-organized strategy for growth and development. A system that does not infringe on the rights of current residents, businesses, and property owners. It protects the thriving, family-friendly culture that makes Frederick a vibrant place to live while ensuring we preserve our rich county history.
Well-thought-out, planned, deliberate growth can provide jobs and revenue that allow our county to thrive. MC knows the decisions made today have consequences––good and bad––in the future. We must remain diligent and mindful for our future Frederick generations.
Preserving what makes Frederick County so special and unique must continue. Our historical monuments, farmland, green spaces, parks, serene pockets of nature, and our history must coexist with opportunities for people to work close to home. Not only will this reduce time spent on the road and cut down on traffic congestion, but it also equates to a cleaner environment and allows those who want to live-work-play to enjoy the very best of that lifestyle in the community they call home. MC has been able to balance those needs, as demonstrated by her votes over the past seven years. It’s a balance, and M.C. has proven over and over she can balance our need to grow with preserving and protecting Frederick County.
MC continues to be a voice for engaging within the community and will continue speaking for those who feel voiceless.
MC Keegan-Ayer has long been a voice for engaging the community. Often for those who have felt voiceless.
MC has the knowledge, experience, and the proven ability to work collaboratively with diverse groups to resolve problems and get things done. During her tenure on the Council, first as the Vice President and now as the President, she was tasked with reaching out to various stakeholder groups to build coalitions, find consensus, resolve differences, and craft compromises. Successfully, she has navigated the opposition to resolve concerns and pass legislation, effectively moving Frederick County forward. Time after time, MC has demonstrated her ability to work with residents, advocating for issues that concern them. This partnership is critical to building strong relationships and solid communities for all.
While MC knows that “one size does not fit all,” she also understands all the pieces must fit together. That’s where her love for Frederick’s history and understanding of how government works comes into play. MC instinctively understands that our decisions must enhance and benefit all in our community.
You, The Residents
MC Keegan-Ayer is known as the fixer on the Council.
She welcomes conversations with various stakeholders and community residents to hear all sides on issues the Council addresses weekly. She carefully navigates complex topics, collaborating to find compromises and solutions. She attends neighborhood meetings and gatherings to listen to you––the people––about the struggles and concerns facing neighbors in her district. She spends countless hours actively ensuring she has heard from all on any given issue. If needed, MC quickly reaches out to other elected leaders around the state to gather input and ideas to gain insight to craft solid solutions.
Frederick County––that means MC wants to hear from YOU!